In the battle to revive Sydney’s economy after the dreaded lockdowns of 2020-2021, who would’ve thought the unsung hero would come from a place not known for fiscal policy or high-level negotiations, but for jokes? Enter A Laugh and A Half – proving that laughter isn’t just the best medicine, it’s also a highly effective economic stimulus package!
Let’s break it down. In 2022, as Sydney’s hospitality businesses struggle to find their rhythm in the post-pandemic world, the NSW Government, in collaboration with the Sydney Fringe Festival, called in A Laugh and A Half to put on a comedy extravaganza in the heart of Sydney’s The Rocks district. Their mission? To rejuvenate a sector that had been hit hard by COVID-19 lockdowns while, let’s be real, making people forget they had to wear masks in the first place.
Sydney Fringe produced their first ever “Sideshow Festival’ and invited A Laugh And A Half’s Sean Morahan to curate and produce the entire comedy programme.
What did our comedy juggernauts do? Oh, with 24 hours notice, just the small task of organising 40 comedy shows over two weeks, effectively turning The Rocks into a laughter-filled haven. With more than 95% of tickets sold, it seems the only thing people loved more than socially distanced beers was socially distanced comedy. Who knew that hearing jokes about the “new normal” could also be the catalyst for an economic recovery?
Now, let’s talk about the business side of things. While government-funded projects apocryphally involve a lot of PowerPoint presentations and meetings where “synergy” is thrown around like confetti, A Laugh and A Half was busy transforming a district that was still dusting off its post-lockdown cobwebs into a thriving comedy hotspot. In the process, they attracted crowds, got people spending money at local businesses, and quite frankly, ensured that George Street in The Rocks didn’t just look like a ghost town but more like… a comedy festival with a side of espresso martinis!

A Laugh And A Half comedians Peter Gleeson, Sean Morahan (producer/performer), Steph Broadbridge, Marty Morgan and David Poltorak pose with artists from Bernie Dieter’s Club Kabaret, along with Arts Minister Ben Franklin and Festival CEO Kerrie Glasscock
And let’s not forget the reviews – tons of positive testimonials from attendees who were apparently left rolling in the aisles, because what else could explain the sheer volume of accolades?
In the end, what this partnership proves is that, sometimes, the best way to stimulate the economy isn’t by making more policy but by letting people have fun. The fact that humour was the key to revitalising a much-loved district and getting people to spend money is, frankly, the kind of plot twist we all needed in 2022. Who needs traditional economic tools when you’ve got punchlines, right? And if the NSW Government ever needs help with the next crisis, they should probably just call up A Laugh and A Half and let us work our comedic magic. After all, who wouldn’t want a little humour with their recovery plan?
Seriously, though, massive thanks to the NSW Government, Minister Ben Franklin and Sydney Fringe CEO Kerrie Glasscock for inviting us into this amazing, successful project! And even more thanks to the incredible comedians who performed throughout these two weeks, and everyone who came along and enjoyed some of our 40 comedy shows in The Rocks in February and March!