Absolute shambles of a man, Peter Gleeson has been writing and performing comedy for roughly the lifespan of a large dog and bumbling around on Earth for roughly half the lifespan of an overweight, diabetic human.

A bogan from south west Sydney, as a kid Peter found the real world to be a bit on the dull side. He spent most of his childhood creating his own worlds to spend time in, a hobby he’s yet to grow out of.

After making it to the NSW State final of the RAW Comedy competition when he was 19, Peter left the world of stand up behind to explore other artistic endeavors. This included studying animation and computer game design. The main thing he learned is that games are way more fun to play than they are to make.

After a few years doing various mind numbingly dull, mostly IT related jobs, Peter returned to the comedy world discovering that for him it was more fun to make than to watch.

Despite being reasonably intelligent and knowing quite a few big words, Peter’s comedy leans toward the silly. A surreal frolic through the thoughts of a man who enjoys a bubble bath while listening to death metal.

Peter’s comedy style has been described as a chaotic jigsaw puzzle assembled with pieces from five different puzzles and a few lego bricks held together with chewing gum and spit.

Besides stand up, Peter has written and performed sketch comedy, and written for and been a team captain in a comedy quiz show; Big Poppa Sean’s Comedy Quiz (2017).

Peter has performed multiple solo shows in the Sydney Fringe and Sydney Comedy festivals including his latest solo show; Shambolic Doodles, which includes material covering detailed medical procedures, how to generate renewable energy from genetically engineered dogs and a brief history of 2nd wave Norwegian black metal.

If you like your comedy ridiculous with a touch of anarchy, fill your auditory and visual sense receptors with a bit of Pete’s comedy.

See him while you still can, it’s only a matter of time until he goes bush and starts a cult.


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A Laugh And A Half

'A Laugh And A Half' produce and promote comedy shows in Australia. Our shows include the 7 Comedians shows, the 10 Comedians shows, the Secret Comedy Club and several other comedy show formats. Most of our shows do sell out so we strongly recommend getting your tickets online beforehand.


Debbie · May 14, 2021 at 10:24 pm

Peter Gleeson awesome

7 Comedians Show at Wyong Milk Factory Tavern, 14th May

Cathy · September 1, 2019 at 9:53 pm

Loved stream of consciousness (stream of hilarity) from Peter Gleeson

Scott · May 31, 2019 at 10:21 pm


10 Comedians at The Occidental Hotel – 31st May

Judy · March 27, 2019 at 11:58 am

Peter has a great take on stand up

MC · March 24, 2019 at 2:14 pm

Great stories – very funny. Keep up the good work.

Phil · November 21, 2018 at 2:45 pm

I couldn’t stop laughing! This guy was hilarious

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