
One of the most experienced stand up comedians on the circuit, Peter Green first performed comedy in 1988 at the legendary “Comics In The Park” at the Harold Park Hotel.  He has since entertained audiences at every major comedy venue in Australia and New Zealand.

Peter is also a very much in-demand comedy writer and he has written for some of Australia’s best comedy shows including Australia’s Funniest Home Videos, the TV Week Logies and Game of Games. He is a major contributor to satirical websites The (un)Australian and Bobvulture. © copyright A Laugh And A Half

Remember ‘The Far Side’ comic strip by Gary Larson?  Well Peter has been called ‘The Gary Larson of Stand-up Comedy’ due to his off-beat observations and whimsical views of the world.

Peter placed equal first in the NSW final of JJJ RAW Comedy in 1998.

Peter’s latest solo show is Called ‘Sometimes the Sheep Wander Into the Wrong Joke’, which he’s performing in 2023/24.


Comedy Books

Peter is the author of two comedy books:

  • Are Youse The Comoydians?‘ (Published 2011) – the story of four stand-up comedians cycling around Australia raising money for cancer research.  One adventure after another – the way life should be!
  • Bad Hobbits‘ (Published 2012) – two Aussie stand-up comedians cycled around the South Island of New Zealand: could they do it without telling a single joke about sheep? Join Domenick Kieran and Peter Green, Australia’s premier cycling stand up comedians as they swerve around squashed hedgehogs, attempt to ride up the world’s steepest street, discover how oil rig workers deal with loneliness, get attacked by pigeons and landslides, and risk arrest for carrying a concealed mechanical tongue.

Both books are available on Amazon (click on each image to go the Amazon listing for each):

Peter Green - Bad Hobbits Peter Green - Are Youse The Comoydians?


Watch Peter’s 2013 Solo Show ‘Soccerooted’


Peter Green – Follow & Connect

Website Peter Green Website
Facebook Peter Green Facebook
Twitter Peter Green Twitter
YouTube Peter Green YouTube
Website (2) The UnAustralian


A Laugh And A Half

'A Laugh And A Half' produce and promote comedy shows in Australia. Our shows include the 7 Comedians shows, the 10 Comedians shows, the Secret Comedy Club and several other comedy show formats. Most of our shows do sell out so we strongly recommend getting your tickets online beforehand.


Karen · August 14, 2020 at 10:11 pm

The drunk seagull, stop-go man was the best!!!

Alex · September 15, 2018 at 10:08 pm

Wonderfully funny observations and stories

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