Our last two shows for September were performed last weekend. Two more sold out shows finished off an amazing month of fun performances for us – and bringing our total of sold out shows for September to ELEVEN!
Last Friday and Saturday night we had full boats for our 10 Comedians Comedy Harbour Cruises. With our 9 sold out shows at The Bat & Ball Hotel, it brought our total sold out shows for the month to 11!

10 Comedians, but 11 Sold Out Shows! A quick photo after our sold out Comedy Cruise on Saturday to celebrate our last sold out show for September. Comedians – L to R: Peter Green, Ben Squires, David Poltorak, Stephanie Broadbridge, Sean Morahan, Ben Willshaw, Christina Van Look, Dane Hiser, Marty Morgan, Thao Thanh Cao
Thank you to the hundreds of comedy fans who joined us for some big laughs this month!
Thanks, too to our brilliant venues and their staff: The Bat & Ball Hotel in Redfern and The Rhythmboat!
And another big thank you to our talented line-up of comedians who did such an awesome job entertaining all the lovely people who came to our shows this month…
Peter Green grabbed comedy gold out of thin air and hilariously presented it to us!
Dane Hiser shared his many talents with us!
Jonas Holt left us all with a great impression of his talents!
Lizzy Hoo and her pointed sense of humour kept the laughs coming!.
Stephanie Broadbridge comically, but sincerely, serenaded a few members of our audiences.
Claudia Rae pondered the spelling of graffiti and the efficiency of advertising.
Ben Willshaw had us all laughing – in a flash!
Libby Bramble had ulterior motives for ordering fast food and using couriers!
The incredibly versatile Jenny Tian can move house at a moment’s notice!
Christina Van Look explored the merits of Australian men who travel!
Thao Thanh Cao has lots to thank her parents for!
Kieran Daughton believes in a kind of neighbourhood justice!
Frida Deguise doesn’t appreciate being interrupted while she enjoys a little snack!
Peter Gleeson injected a lot of laughter into the room!
Gary Bradbury entertained us with sweet sax and great gags!
Harry Jun – if that’s his real name – is often mistaken for someone else!
Peter Meisel brought along some fresh news clippings to show how topical his comedy is!
Sean Morahan asked a very important question three times and got three very different responses!
David Poltorak showed how housing affordability may be affected by mispronunciation!
Renu told romantic tales of architecture!
We return to ‘normal’ comedy schedule in October and hope you can join us for some laughs!
Click here to see our schedule of upcoming shows.
Peter · September 30, 2018 at 10:53 am
Great to see you guys growing so much
Naomi · September 25, 2018 at 9:42 am
Amazing! Congrats to you guys
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