Last night, ten of our Sydney comedians got together for our third Sydney Fringe Comedy Show.

Tickets for our remaining shows are at:

It also happened to be Fathers’ Day so we had quite a few comedy fans  bring their Dads along to the show at The Bat & Ball Hotel.  Thanks to our audience for all the great feedback during the break and after the show.

Here’s a summary of last night’ show….

In one of her final comedy shows before she jets off to perform overseas for a few weeks, Christina Van Look was our MC for the night and got the laughs off to a cracking start!

Sydney Comedians

With the laughter level suitably high, Christina brought to the stage David Poltorak who entertained us with a deadpan set, hilariously overflowing with philosophy, marketing ideas, irony, non-sequiturs, and paraprosdokians.

Sydney Comedians

Surfing David’s laughter-wake was  Peter Gleeson who delivered a ripping set about his battle-of-wits with so-called health ‘professionals’.

Peter has also put together another Fringe Comedy Show: Big Barry’s Bonza Variety Show Bonanza with an impressive array of comedy talent. It’s another hilarious show to catch at Sydney Fringe this year!

Sydney Comedians

Our next comedian was the warm, witty and hilarious Lizzy Hoo!

Lizzy is also in another Fringe Comedy Show with comedy colleagues Claudia Rae and JT. The show is: Ferris Wheel Club.

Sydney Comedians

Sean Morahan was next up at the microphone and he shared some life hacks for ageing disgracefully..

Sydney Comedians

Filling the remainder of the first half of the show with solid laughter was the versatile and vivacious Stephanie Broadbridge.

Sydney Comedians

Picking up the ‘comedy baton’ after the break was the explosively funny Frida Deguise.

Sydney Comedians

Ben Willshaw was next on stage with amusing anecdotes of survival growing up in Sydney’s Western Suburbs.

Sydney Comedians

Peter Green‘s jokes were at least THIS WIDE!   Among other topics, Peter told us about the famous and well-travelled members of his family.

Sydney Comedians

Peter Meisel was our final act of the night, with helpful tips for walking, explanations of festivals and reflections on the Australian sense of humour.

Fringe Comedy PM

We still have two weeks of Sydney Fringe comedy shows remaining!  Join our Sydney Comedians for a great night of laughs!  Tickets:


A Laugh And A Half

'A Laugh And A Half' produce and promote comedy shows in Australia. Our shows include the 7 Comedians shows, the 10 Comedians shows, the Secret Comedy Club and several other comedy show formats. Most of our shows do sell out so we strongly recommend getting your tickets online beforehand.


John · September 3, 2018 at 8:20 am

Loved every moment.

Sydney Fringe Comedy Show at Bat & Ball Hotel, 2nd September

Lachlan · September 3, 2018 at 6:16 am

Dad jokes were on point for Fathers Day!

Sydney Fringe Comedy Show at Bat & Ball Hotel, 2nd September

Banjo · September 3, 2018 at 5:12 am

As a millennial, I’m not afraid to say “LOL”, “ROFL” and “yeah, was good”!

Sydney Fringe Comedy Show at Bat & Ball Hotel, 2nd September

Vent · September 3, 2018 at 3:14 am

Great show – so many talented comedians

Sydney Fringe Comedy Show at Bat & Ball Hotel, 2nd September

Kylie · September 3, 2018 at 1:11 am

Even though my American friend was shushed, it was a lot of good laughs, Good work, friends.

Sydney Fringe Comedy Show at Bat & Ball Hotel, 2nd September

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